We key of exit is based in we continuos seriousness and guarantee of quality with our clients, we offer a big variety of services and the best specialized attention, all them with the guarantee of service YUKANE®.

Between our variety of services we have:

- Installation, maintenance, reform and reform of:
  • Plumbing.
  • Central Heating.
  • Air Conditioning.
  • Solar Energy.
  • Gas.
- Sale, installation and maintenance of:
  • Water Processing.
  • Saunas.
  • Fiber swimming pools of poliester reinforced with fiber glass.
  • All type of complements of your bath or cook.

Within guarantee of quality YUKANE®, we offer for the execution of its requests to professionals highly qualified and specialized in each matter so that at any moment it will have the advice of a great expert, always endorsed by a great mark as it is YUKANE®.

In addition, with the purpose of always giving the best service, we notified that already we are prepared to face the new technical code of construction (CTE) 2006.

IT DOES NOT DOUBT IT, You can contact with us and requests advising without commitment.

You don,t forget visit our online shop, in these you can find a big variety of products with the best prices.
965 346 791
© 2007 YUKANE S.L.N.E.
Paraje Casa Cabanes Nº 64
· 03400
· Villena
· Alicante
Telephone : 965 346 791
CIF : B54145685
Schedule of telephone attention: 9:00am at 20:00pm · Monday to Friday